Didier Debaise (Brüssel): Rethinking the Moderns’ Naturalism with Whitehead

03.07.2024|18:00 Uhr

Didier Debaise (Brüssel): Rethinking the Moderns’ Naturalism with Whitehead, 

The talk will take up Latour's and Descola's critique of the "naturalism" of the moderns, in order to follow the way in which Whitehead's thought poses a different kind of diagnosis on the thinking of the moderns, and opens up a new perspective for thinking about a different kind of "nature". 

Didier Debaise is a permanent researcher at the Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS) and Professor at the Free University of Brussels (ULB). His main areas of research are speculative philosophy, the invention of the concept of Nature, new forms of perspectivisms, and the connections between American pragmatism and French contemporary philosophy. His recent publications include Speculative Empiricism. Revisiting Whitehead, Edinburgh University Press, 2017 and Nature as Event. The Lure of the Possible, Duke University Press, 2017.


im GSH (Glanzstoffhaus), Kasinostraße 19-21, 42103 Wuppertal

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